Sunday, April 22, 2007

Work or Volunteer

Will I ever make a living from my talents, or will I continue to volunteer my time and talents to every good cause that comes along?

This is a discussion that Odin and I have frequently. I volunteer with the schools, the church, La Leche League, midwifery legislation, scouts, and several other little things that always seem to creep up.

Why is it that I must share my time with so many people? I'm good at what I do, but let's face it, so are others! Many times I stand up because I see a problem. I truly believe that if you don't like how something is working then you must be ready to offer an alternative. In addition, you must be willing to help implement the alternative. I see lots of problems in our world. I am willing to stand up, offer an alternative, and get my hands dirty fixing what I see broken.

Sometimes I think that when the babies are older, I'll get a job and contribute to the family monetarily. Realistically I know that it will never happen. Work would just get in the way of my efforts to change the world one person at a time!


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