Saturday, April 14, 2007

Cost of heath care

We got a couple of bills in the mail yesterday. The bills themselves weren't surprises, but the amounts sure were.

My 14 month son had an ultrasound done to see if his testicles had descended. My cost? $400 for just the hospital. I have yet to get the radiologist's bill.

My 3 year old daughter had dental work done under general anesthesia at Children's Mercy South. Cost for the 3-4 hours? $8900. This does not include the dentist bill or the anesthesiologist's bill. I will have to pay $2000 of this amount.

My insurance has a $4000 out of pocket limit, and having a baby makes me pay it ALL. I can't even remember what the total bill was the last time we had a baby. Odin thinks between the hospital, Dr. and the labs they love to run, it was close to $10,000 for both me and baby. Personally, I think it was closer to $8000, but either way it's lots of money.

The last time I had a midwife attended birth my total cost for both midwife and supplies was under $700. BIG DIFFERENCE!

Midwives spend more time with their clients than a physician. The midwife is there during prenatal visits to educate the mother. A typical prenatal visit with a midwife lasts 2-3 times longer than a visit with a physician (although it may take longer at the Dr.'s office if you have a long wait!). A midwife spends as much time as necessary with a mother during her labor and birth. A physician spends little time during the labor and comes in to catch the baby at the end.

Here's the question: Why does it cost SO MUCH MORE to have a physician attended birth than a midwife attended homebirth?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, $700?? When I had Paige, I could have used an OB and insurance would have paid all but $10 of the cost, but I chose a midwife who cost me $3000. I still think I got a fantastic deal! (FYI, my household income at that point was about $24,000.)