Wednesday, February 13, 2008


I'm going to bed now. The droid (the family's name for the scooba) can stay up and clean my kitchen floor for me! Gosh, I am such a good housewife and so good at multi-tasking that I can wash the floor and sleep all at the same time.


Kolbi said...

Ok, for real works, or just kinda works? I see these and it just seems too good to be true. Which model did you get? I have a muddy paw print colored kitchen floor that I would love a droid to take care of.

Deanna said...

It FOR REAL works!!! I have a big kitchen and dining room that I have to have it do one room, charge it and then do the other. Wow, what a big problem to have! ;)

My kitchen floor has never been so white! AND ALL I USE IS WHITE VINEGAR AND H2O! Can you tell I am excited?

BTW, Lynn has one, too.