Why is life so hard? Am I really all that off the mark that I think life should be a little more straight forward? From politics to dishes, I'm hanging out my opinion for all to see.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
I'm going to bed now. The droid (the family's name for the scooba) can stay up and clean my kitchen floor for me! Gosh, I am such a good housewife and so good at multi-tasking that I can wash the floor and sleep all at the same time. Goodnight.
Ok, for real works, or just kinda works? I see these and it just seems too good to be true. Which model did you get? I have a muddy paw print colored kitchen floor that I would love a droid to take care of.
It FOR REAL works!!! I have a big kitchen and dining room that I have to have it do one room, charge it and then do the other. Wow, what a big problem to have! ;)
My kitchen floor has never been so white! AND ALL I USE IS WHITE VINEGAR AND H2O! Can you tell I am excited?
Ok, for real works, or just kinda works? I see these and it just seems too good to be true. Which model did you get? I have a muddy paw print colored kitchen floor that I would love a droid to take care of.
It FOR REAL works!!! I have a big kitchen and dining room that I have to have it do one room, charge it and then do the other. Wow, what a big problem to have! ;)
My kitchen floor has never been so white! AND ALL I USE IS WHITE VINEGAR AND H2O! Can you tell I am excited?
BTW, Lynn has one, too.
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